Support for Families
Have you moved to West Sweden with your family, or are you planning to? Sweden is regularly ranked as one of the top countries to bring up children. The social benefits support family life and the leisure opportunities ensure you can build a happy family life here.
Welcome! You and your family are going to love your time here.
You've heard the saying, travel is a great educator. Moving with your family to a new country can be both an educative and adventurous experience. families that move abroad report becoming more close knit and enjoying their time together in ways they would not in their home countries.
Events and activities
At International House Gothenburg we organise and offer a number of events to meet the needs of our talents. These range from career oriented activities to tips on exploring nature. From understanding the Swedish school system to the business culture.
Here we have gathered top insider tips from local experts and internationals to help you make the most of your time in Gothenburg and West Sweden. Go through these tips and more on this page and structure your private life.
Top tips to find a home in the Gothenburg region, West Sweden
We are here to help
If you can't find the information you are looking for or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at
Lovisa BohlinManager/International Talent Advisor
Madalina MagnussonInternational Talent Advisor
Jessica HumlekloInternational Talent Advisor