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Move to Gothenburg

Gothenburg attracts thousands of job seekers from Europe

Gothenburg is a magnet for job seekers from all over Europe, and interest in the region and its job opportunities proved to be huge during the recent European Online Job Days event, with over 2,000 interested parties registered. This information fair, which took place at the end of May at the International House Gothenburg (IHG), is an important initiative to show how we are working together in Sweden to connect employers and jobseekers across borders in Europe. This was the third time the event has been organised, and interest has never been higher.

European Online Job Days May 2024
Team Gothenburg, Lund and EURES at European Online Job Day May 2024

A recurring and growing event

The European Online Job Days were organised in cooperation between the International Citizen Hub Lund (ICHL) and the EURES Employment Service. The event has quickly become an annual tradition, attracting participants from all over Europe. The latest event, ‘Balance Your Life on Sweden's West Coast’, focused on showcasing Gothenburg and Lund's labour markets and quality of life.

It is clear that Gothenburg has a lot to offer. The city has a dynamic labour market, a thriving technology sector and a strong environmental profile. These factors, combined with a high standard of living and an open and welcoming culture, make Gothenburg an attractive destination for international talent. In addition, there is International House Gothenburg, which has a strong focus on facilitating the soft landing and retention of international talents and their accompanying partners. Through various programmes and networking offers, IHG helps the region's newcomers to settle in quickly, facilitating their integration into Swedish society and working life. This holistic approach increases the likelihood that those who move here will also stay and thrive long-term in the Gothenburg region. International Citizen Hub Lund is a sister organisation to International House Gothenburg and works with a similar approach.

Strong partnerships to promote international recruitment

The event was organised in close cooperation with the International Citizen Hub Lund and the EURES Employment Service, two organisations that play an important role in facilitating international recruitment and integration in Sweden. International Citizen Hub Lund offers support and information to international citizens wishing to settle in Sweden, while Eures Arbetsförmedlingen connects employers and jobseekers across Europe. Through these partnerships, events such as the European Online Job Days can offer extensive resources and networking opportunities for both employers and jobseekers. European Online Job Days is a platform where companies can find qualified candidates and where job seekers can discover exciting career opportunities.

Gothenburg - a city with potential

Long known for its industrial history, Gothenburg has undergone a transformation and is now a centre for innovation and sustainable development. With companies in IT, automotive, biotechnology and sustainability, the city offers a diversified labour market with many opportunities. The city's universities and research institutes also help to create a knowledge-intensive environment that attracts both Swedish and international students and researchers. This academic ecosystem contributes to strengthening the city's attractiveness and creating a creative and innovative atmosphere.

Highlights of the event

During the European Online Job Days, participants had the opportunity to take part in a variety of activities and seminars. The programme started with welcome words from Jessica Humleklo, IHG and Lisa Andersson, ICHL followed by a presentation on why Gothenburg and Lund are attractive places to live and work. Furthermore, participants were given an insight into the job opportunities in Gothenburg and Lund, with specific features on employers in healthcare and technology, such as Sahlgrenska University Hospital and Volvo Group.

A particularly appreciated feature was the stories of people who had moved to Sweden from the Netherlands, Portugal and Belgium. These stories gave participants a more personal and concrete picture of what it is like to live and work in Sweden. Participants also received practical advice on how to approach the Swedish labour market, as well as information on how to get their qualifications recognised in Sweden.

The programme also included concrete information from participating organisations' advisors on how to enter the Swedish labour market. This provided participants with valuable information on the support and resources available to those considering moving to Sweden for work.

Through these various elements and activities, the event offered a comprehensive and engaging experience for all participants, further cementing Gothenburg's position as an attractive destination for international talent.

The way forward

Given the growing interest in the Gothenburg region, the European Online Job Days are likely to continue to grow in popularity. For the organisers, it is clear that this event plays an important role in promoting international recruitment and supporting the region's employers in finding the right skills in Europe and getting them to thrive and stay in Sweden.

Going forward, further improvements and expansions of the event are planned to even better meet the needs of both employers and job seekers. The aim is to create an even more interactive and engaging platform that can help more people discover the opportunities in the Gothenburg region and Lund.

Executive Summary

European Online Job Days has proven to be an invaluable resource in promoting the Gothenburg region and Lund as attractive destinations for international job seekers. With over 2,000 registered stakeholders and strong partnerships with organisations such as the International Citizen Hub Lund and the EURES Employment Service, the event continues to grow and develop.

Gothenburg's dynamic labour market, high quality of life and welcoming atmosphere make the city an ideal place for international talent to relocate and build their careers. European Online Job Days is not only a recruitment platform, but also a window to the opportunities that await in Sweden's second largest city and the Swedish west coast.