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Sweden has a world-class healthcare system that is generally very affordable for the patient. Should you happen to fall ill during your stay, you are in good hands. This page includes information about visiting a doctor, dentist, pharmacy, child healthcare and more.

1177 is an official website with information in English about Swedish health care and health care advice. You can also call 1177, the healthcare information service, where you can speak to a nurse 24 hours a day for medical advice. When calling the number, you can choose to receive the advice in English.

The 1177 homepage in Swedish has a useful search tool (under “Hitta vård”) where you can find the locations of health centres (vårdcentral), out-of-hours clinics (jourcentral), hospitals (sjukhus) and dental care providers (tandvård).

In case of emergency, always call 112.


Healthcare centres (vårdcentral) are generally your first port of call for problems that are neither urgent nor life-threatening. They are staffed by general practitioners and nurses, and sometimes physical therapists, midwives, psychologists and dietitians. In addition, they often include prenatal and pediatric clinics. At health centres you can be examined or receive treatment for the majority of conditions. 

Once you have a Swedish personal identity number you can register at your local healthcare centre. From there, they can provide you with information on how to make an appointment. Most health centres are only open on weekdays between about 8am and 5pm.

You can find a list and contact details for all health centres in West Sweden in the link below. 

1177 – vårdcentral Västra Götaland


If you are ill during weekends or after hours and need to see a doctor, you can visit an out-of-hours clinic or local emergency clinic known as a Jourcentral or Primärvårdsakuten. You can go along without making an appointment, although you are recommended to call first. Here you will find a list and contact details for the out-of-hours clinics in West Sweden.

1177 – jourcentral Västra Götaland


In case of emergency, you should call 112 or go directly to a hospital’s emergency department (akutmottagning), which are open 24 hours a day. Via the link below, you will find a list of the hospitals in West Sweden.

Healthcare in Västra Götaland


You can buy prescription and non-prescription medications at your local pharmacy (apotek).


If you have a Swedish personal identity number (personnummer), then the fee for visiting a doctor or emergency ward in Västra Götaland County will be approximately SEK 100-300.

If you come from an EU or EEA country or Switzerland and have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), then you are entitled to emergency care at the normal fee (about SEK 300). If you don’t have an EHIC, then you may have to pay the entire cost, which can be expensive. If you obtain non-emergency care and do not want to pay more than the normal fee (SEK 100-300), you must have a certificate indicating that your country of origin will pay the rest. Otherwise, you will have to pay the full cost of your treatment.

If you come from most countries outside the EU, EEA and Switzerland, you will have to pay the entire cost of emergency or any other type of care. We recommend that you arrange your own health insurance.


If you have a Swedish personal identity numberyou only have to pay a maximum of SEK 1,100 during a 12 month period for healthcare. Once you have paid a total of SEK 1,100, you get free care for the rest of the 12 month period.

For prescription medications, you will pay a maximum of SEK 2,200 during a 12 month period.


Dental care in Västra Götaland County is free of charge for people under 25 years old. If you are 25 or over, the costs are partially subsidised if you are registered with the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan).

The agency offers a subsidy of SEK 150-300 per year, depending on your age. It also provides high-cost protection for major dental work. You will pay the first SEK 3,000, and will receive 50% compensation on charges between SEK 3,000 and SEK15,000, and 80% compensation on charges above SEK 15,000.

See the Social Insurance Agency’s guide to dental care in Sweden for more information.

You are free to choose any dentist or dental hygienist you want, at a location that suits you. In the link below you will find a list and contact details for dental care clinics in the Västra Götaland County. 

1177 – tandvård Västra Götaland

Child healthcare

Children's health centres are called a Barnvårdscentralen and are often referred to as BVC for short. Visits to a BVC are free of charge. See the BVC English page for more information.

The 1177 'Taking care of a child' page has lots of useful information including examinations newborn babies have, breastfeeding information, how to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), vaccination programmes for children and more.

Further information about care centres and clinics that you and your child will visit as your child grows up can be found on the Information Sverige site, you can translate the information using the 'other languages' tool at the top of the page.