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Family on bikes on road
Ann Sofi Rosenkvist/

Get insured

Whether it’s for you, your income or your belongings, insurance is something you should consider when setting up in Sweden. Here you will find useful links and information on some of the various types of insurance.

Health insurance

If you are not eligible for Swedish social welfare and you don’t have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), then you may have to pay full price for healthcare in Sweden. This can be very expensive and we recommend that you arrange your own private health insurance, either in your home country or in Sweden.

Unemployment insurance (Arbetslöshetskassa or A-kassa)

Most working Swedes choose to join an unemployment fund. These provide income compensation (up to 80% of your previous income level) for people who have been members for at least one year and who have lost their jobs.

The unemployment funds are usually administered by trade unions. If you choose to join one you will pay a monthly fee, which varies depending on your income and unemployment fund.  

There are many unions and you can find them through the three confederations listed below. Your new colleagues may also offer helpful advice on the suitable unions for your profession.

The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO)
The Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations (SACO)
The Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees (TCO)

Household insurance

In Sweden 95% of all households have home insurance (hemförsäkring). The insurance usually covers your belongings in case of theft or if they are damaged by fire or water. It also often includes travel insurance and covers everyone who is living at the address and named in the policy.

Life and accident insurance

Most companies provide life and accident insurance plans for expat workers as part of the benefits package. Check that the cover is adequate for you and your family.

If you have an existing plan from your home country, you may be able to adjust it so it will cover you while you are in Sweden. Alternatively, you should consider taking out a new plan either through a Swedish or international insurance company. 

Motor vehicles

All motor vehicles must be covered by third party liability insurance. Comprehensive car insurance is optional.

Swedish insurance providers

Here is a list of some of the major insurance companies in Sweden. Most of them offer various types of insurance, including home, life and car insurance. 

Trygg Hansa
Agria (pets)