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Move to Gothenburg
Engineer in Gothenburg

Whom can you recruit?

The simple answer is anyone and everyone; whoever is the right person for you. No work permits are required for people from EU/EEA countries, and if you follow the procedure, it’s also easy to get a work permit for people from countries outside the EU. The rest of the recruiting process naturally demands the right preparation and good planning regardless of where the recruit comes from.


One group of potential new employees are students already in Sweden who might be interested in making their first acquaintance with Swedish working life via thesis projects or internships.

The same goes for accompanying persons, i.e. the partners of other global talents already here, who as often as not, have the relevant qualifications, skills, training and the will to get established in professional life.

Refugees newly arrived in Sweden in recent years constitute another growing group. In many cases, they are a valuable resource in the form of highly-trained specialists who have recently begun the process of integration in the country.


  • Can start work right away; generally, no new process/official application is required
  • Many of the practical details such as accommodation may already be solved
  • Highly motivated to be part of a social context and feel professionally fulfilled

Move to Gothenburg

In Gothenburg, there exist several networks that have signed up these groups. You don't have to do all the footwork yourself. Move to Gothenburg can help you get in touch with relevant networks and find the cutting edge expertise you are looking for.

Move to Gothenburg


  • They possess fresh theoretical knowledge that can provide new insights
  • Are often high achievers, and have a strong driving force
  • Have experience from other countries and cultures
Merlind Hinz
Merlind Hinz, Marketing & Communication Manager, SKF Vehicle Aftermarket

'Accompanying persons are often well-qualified people'

Merlind Hinz, Marketing & Communication Manager, SKF Vehicle Aftermarket

“Quite often, you don't have to go as far as you’d think to find international expertise. I originally arrived here as an accompanying person when my then partner took a job in Gothenburg and I came along with him. I felt a strong urge to do business so I started my own company and ran it successfully for two years. After that I wanted to try life as an employee, which led to my applying for a job and ended up at SKF, where I work today. 

Many employers are on the hunt for just what an international recruitment can bring. You not only get unique skills, but the cultural differences mean your company also gets someone with new perspectives and inspiring ideas. What many people don’t realise is that there’s no need to go abroad to benefit from this – things can work out just as well if you employ an accompanying person.

We should bear in mind that accompanying persons are usually extremely well qualified. People bold enough to settle in another country are not afraid of challenges; they find it easy to learn the language and many also have two or even three degrees.

A major advantage in recruiting someone who is already in the country is that the opportunities are enormous while the risks are small. The actual move and finding accommodation are already taken care of. The people are already here, they’re getting on fine and all they want is to have a fulfilling, stimulating job with a decent salary.

If we dare to seize the opportunity, there is huge potential here.”